Mast Step | Re do it again

DSC_0064 Change from the Weak to Strong.

Last week Stephen took all the mast steps off and re-install them back one by one step with 70 new bolts.  To re do this task a second time because one mast step had fall down.  Which meant that 70 rivets had to be drilled out, the steps re-drilled, the mast re-drilled and tapped for the bolt threads and then everything matched up so that 5 new bolts for each of the 14 steps  fit and good be tightened on.

I HATE BOLTS. Well 70  bolts that have to be fitted into a mast in a Northern Winter.
I HATE BOLTS. Well 70 bolts that haveto be fitted into a mast in a Northern Winter.

never successfully tapped anything before?
Never successfully tapped anything before?

Me having fun
Me having fun.

Frustrating , bitterly cold, painful. exhausting and sometimes very frustrating.
Frustrating , bitterly cold, painful. exhausting and sometimes very frustrating.

Read more from our previous post of ‘Mast Step | Re do it again’ here.

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