Santa Rosalia before heading to San Carlos
We both feel sad to leave Baja to mainland. After you connected with the place and people it is hard to leave. Anyway we will run out of time soon. We were waiting for a good direction of wind that can take the boat to San Carlos without use problem engine. There was gale forecast and we have to wait until there is one day gap. We cannot miss it! February in Baja there is still windy period to watch. Buddy boat, SV Karuna sailed out to Puerto Penasco a few days before we leave Santa Rosalia. Although Stephen is really sick but we still have to untie the boat.

cooking on board – Santa Rosalia is so popular about squid! But the time we were here is not a squid season. I bought this frozen octopus from the fish market. Octopus is already tender. I made Grilled Santa Rosalia octopus with homemade Thai sweet habanero sauce.
Several local restaurant to try out and street food. Fresh made Mexican Tortilla to take away.

P.S. since Navionics chart is not correct and sometimes missing island or rocks. We cannot rely on this app. but our own eye sight and avoid to sailing at night. so my Navionics chart is expired and no more location name appear. Any way it still useful to make a direction route.

San Carlos Nuevo Guaymas

San Carlos Nuevo to Guaymas
When making landfall after dark in Mexico even with radar and GPS it is never easy. The charts are very inaccurate and as we found lights may or may not be working.
We use any the many shore lights to navigate and with a constant eye on the death sounder we approached what we hoped was the entrance to San Carlos Outer harbour. We could not find the light that marked the harbour entrance.
Many places we did arrived late in the dark. It never be fun to make sure the boat will not hit any thing. We often circle around the area several hours to wait for light, or follow a local boat to find a dock. We did approached at dark in West port, Port of Los Angeles, Sandiago, Morrow Bay, Ensenada and Cabo San Lucas. Often in Bad weather and stressful.
So this time we found a sheltered place and anchored for the morning light.

We had hoped to use the Fonatur Marina in Guamas to store BS. We had tried to contact to Marina but the information is that it is fully booked. It take a courage for Stephen to talk to the Marina manager. The marina is very tidy and well organized especially in the boat yard. I cannot take a close picture inside the boatyard because the security guard say no from any photograph.
After chatting with the Manager we are told that our small boat can be fitted in. Such a relief and a very good price to store the boat on the only concrete hard in the area.
Tavi our good friend from Bamfield drives 2hours from Kino to pick us up for a visit to their house in Kino. Thank you Tavi and Sheila for a great host and introduce to the area.

Kino | Host by Tavi and Sheila

Great post