Greetings from French Creek, Vancouver Island
We just arrived at French creek this evening and stay at the Port Authority Dock at French Creek. {Strait of Georgia} Our passage diary from a few days ago:
From Port Neville to Brown Bay
Saturday 3rd May 2014

Port Neville

There are two local man we met and talk at Port Neville. Ed and Kurt share stories of the old house built in 1891 by the original Norwegian Hansen. They had great information on the area , all you want to know about the place. We leave Port Neville at 11.30 a.m. make 5.9 k and decreased to 4 k against the tide in Johnstone strait. Very strong tide and speed down to 3-3.7 k 12.50 hrs Enter to Johnstone Strait, speed 6 k 13.30 hrs Race Passage, Kelsey Bay 14.30 hrs Camp point 16.00 hrs Ripple point 16.45 hrs Chatham point, 6-7 k Enter to Discovery Passage, speed 5-6 k Wind start to blow from south create waves 17.38 hrs Granite point 19.00 hrs Docked at Brown Bay Marina, Tried to contact the office but it closed and next day is sunday. We docked in Marina area and get free Wi-fi which is very fast.
From Brown Bay to Campbell River

Sunday 4 May 2014 7.30 a.m. Leave Brown Bay Seymour Narrows, Passing by smoothly while ebb tide.
9.00 a.m. Arrived at Campbell River 9.45 hrs Dock at government Marina {Sunday office is closed so we cannot contact to office
From Campbell River to French Creek
Food on board

French Creek
Monday 5 May 2014 Foggy early morning and clear out.
Sunny day Leave early at 7.45 a.m. to fill fuel and water. 08.10 Leave the Campbel River Harbour Enter to Strait of Georgia 15.00 hrs Hornby Island 18.oo hrs Harbour Authority of French Creek.
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