Sailboat Refit | Galley sink| Fresh water maker

Continuing from our previous post on installing our ‘new to us’ mast steps we continue our drama on refitting the good ship Beautiful Swimmer. So see what else we have been doing? This post is a summary for March 2013.  Some work is in the middle of completion while some other work needs a weather forecast that does not include snow so we can make an appointment to have the boat lifted out of the water. Prince Rupert is not a big city and choice to get items is narrow if not impossible. We did buy many things online where the price is often very much cheaper.

  • Galley sink. French boat, french parts and fittings. After years of trying to fix and buy sink drains(the old ones leaked badly) Stephen eventually made new sink drains from a combination of resources from around the globe.














  • Fresh water maker. We tried several places and eventually had to place in the cockpit locker! We need the boat out of the water to finish the plumbing.

Read more from our previous post of Sailboat Refit | Galley sink| Fresh water maker  ‘here’

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